
4 Ocak 2010 Pazartesi

Addiction Counseling
It's common knowledge that cocaine is an extremely addictive substance. Yet for years after it was first discovered in 1855, it was glorified as a magic potion. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, recommended it. Inventor Thomas Edison and actress Sarah Bernhardt promoted it. John Pemberton, who created Coke, included it in his original soft drink recipe. Not until 1920 was it outlawed by the federal government.

Today, we recognize the highly addictive nature of cocaine and other drugs, as well as cigarettes and alcohol. And we've learned that in addition to substances, certain activities, such as sex and gambling, can become addictions for some people, ruling and ruining their lives.

This major prepares students to help prevent substance abuse, counsel people with drug and alcohol problems, and provide other services to people suffering from addiction.

Did You Know?
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, less than 11 percent of substance abusers received proper treatment in 2006.

Are You Ready To...?
Learn about the psychology of addition
Practice your counseling skills with fellow students
Participate actively in classroom discussions
Write papers
Complete an internship at a community agency
Live a healthy, ethical lifestyle
Consider joining the national psychology honorary society, Psi Chi

It Helps to Be...
Someone with a healthy lifestyle and a strong sense of ethics -- you’ll need to be a strong role model for your clients. Taking good care of yourself will have the added benefit of helping you avoid burnout. You'll do well if you can counsel people without judging them.


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